Present Perfect Tense
I have
You have
He has Have/has + verbo no particípio passado (3ª coluna)
She has
It has
We have
You have
They have
Afirmativa: He has worked hard.
Interrogativa: Has he worked hard?
Negativa: He has not worked hard.
Formas abreviadas: 's (has) hasn't (has not)
've (have) haven't (have not)
(regular verbs) to work - worked - worked
(irregular verbs) to see - saw - seen
• Uso:
O present perfect pode expressar ações que ocorreram em um tempo indefinido no passado (não sabemos quando). Elas podem ter terminado ou ainda estar ocorrendo.
I have worked hard. (Trabalhei/Tenho trabalhado muito.)
Mas, se o tempo for mencionado ou sugerido, usa-se o simple past.
I worked hard yesterday. (Trabalhei muito ontem.)
I worked hard when I was young. (Trabalhei muito quando jovem.)
O present perfect pode ser usado com:
• since (desde): I have worked here since June. (Trabalho aqui desde junho.)
• for (por): She has worked here for five months. (Ela trabalha aqui há cinco meses.)
• just (ação recente): They have just arrived. (Eles acabaram de chegar.)
• ever (alguma vez): Have you ever seen that movie? (Você viu aquele filme alguma vez?)
• never (nunca): I have never seen her. (Eu nunca a vi.)
• already (já): They have already arrived. (Eles já chegaram.)
• yet (já; ainda): Has he arrived yet? (Ele já chegou?)/He has not arrived yet. (Ele ainda não chegou.)
• lately (ultimamente): We have not seen you lately. (Não o temos visto ultimamente.)
• many times (muitas vezes): I have talked to her many times. (Falei com ela muitas vezes.)
Presente Perfect Continuos Tense
Have/has been + verbo + ing
Afirmativa: He has been traveling.
Interrogativa: Has he been traveling?
Negativa: He has not been traveling.
• Uso:
O present perfect continuous enfatiza a continuidade de uma ação que começou no passado e que se prolonga até o presente.
It has been raining hard.